people who develop Type 1 diabetes cannot do anything to prevent the disease, people who are prone to Type 2 diabetes can diet and exercise to prevent diabetes naturally.
Instructions to follow in preventing diabetes;
1. To prevent diabetes naturally, eat a wide variety of vegetables and fruits. Non-starchy
vegetables and brightly coloured fruit are high in anti-oxidant vitamins and fibres, which help stabilize blood sugar.
2. Eat lean meats, non-fat dairy products and fish.
3. Choose whole grain foods over processed grain foods. Eat brown rice instead of white rice.
4. Avoid solid fats, which are usually high in saturated and trans fats. Cook with liquid oils such as olive oil.
5. Avoid high fat and high calorie processed foods.
To prevent diabetes naturally, eat well-balanced meals that include
portions of both protein and carbohydrates to stabilize blood sugar
throughout the day.
To prevent diabetes naturally, start working out aerobically, doing
exercises like walking, swimming, dancing and bike riding.
8. Start a strength training program 3 to 4 days a week. Join a gym, or use weights and elastic bands at home.
9. Join an aerobics class to prevent diabetes naturally, or take another type of exercise class to get an aerobic workout.
Other Natural Remedies
10. Eat plenty of onions and garlic. Both of these foods help lower blood sugar.
Include dandelion root, burdock root and Jerusalem artichokes in your
diet. They contain insulin, which helps control blood sugar.
Take one spoonful of cinnamon each day to prevent diabetes naturally.
Cinnamon helps make cells more responsive to insulin. Pay attention to
how you feel after ingesting cinnamon, as it can cause hypo-glycaemia,
or low blood sugar, in pre-diabetics.
13. Take vitamin E daily to help circulation, and stabilize blood sugar.
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